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Kamp investeert 20 miljoen in kwaliteit kinderopvang





  1. We are an international (Dutch and English speaking)
    daycare. Therefore excuse me but this message is in English.
    I would like to know where all these MILLIONS!! are being
    spent on…. from my understanding BOINK gives a subsidy
    (from the government) for a course that is ridiculously
    expensive, AND unnecessary. Most of these training’s add
    extremely marginal value, bust in the thousands of euros!
    Yes the government subsidizes…. but who… not the learning
    costs of teachers, but of BOINK….
    The daycares, the parents and the teachers never see the
    benefits of the 20+ millions of euros that are put into BOINK….
    or whatever organizations is asked to do a job or function that
    is not necessary anyways.
    Yes I am angry too read these messages of ‘bezuininging’ and
    then reading that the government is adding 20 million to a
    budget that doesn’t need to exist!
    University level students pay 4500 euro in 3 years…let me
    repeat…. 3 years!!! to receive a bachelor degree.
    A 2.5 hour course at BOINK costs 110 euro…. or equated to
    4500 euros…..102 HOURS of study time…. how is that even
    remotely close to fair?
    However university level students are not allowed to work at day cares….
    The government should reconsider who receives the money
    and how it is spent, daycares don’t need government to give
    subsidies to BOINK…. daycares need governments to subsidies
    the parents… so that parents can work and daycares can take
    care of their children.

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